Flag Football - Rules

Basic Game Play

We will generally follow the rules set by NFL Flag, summarized here with adjustments we feel make the league better.


  1. The game starts with a coin toss at mid-field. The winner will chose offense or defense. After half-time, the teams will start opposite what they were to start the game.
  2. Offense will start on the 5-yard line and has 3 plays to get to mid-field. If they get past mid-field, they have 3 more plays to score. 
  3. If the offense fails to gain the first down or touchdown within the 3 plays, the ball changes possession and the new offense starts on its own 5-yard line.
  4. All possession changes start at the offense's 5-yard line, with the exception of interceptions, which can be returned for a touchdown.
  5. In the event of a tie, the regular season games will end as a tie. Play off games will have a coin toss. Each team will be allowed to have the ball at least one time. Each team must go for 1 after the touchdown. If the game is still tied after the first possession, sudden death will be in play and the first team to score wins.


  1. Shirts must be tucked into the flags. If a players shirt is over the flags and they receive the ball, the player will be marked down where they received the ball.
  2. Referee to make decision on what ball will be used during the game. Both teams to use the same ball (no throwing in and out) and the ball is to be issued from RYFA for use in flag football.


  1. Games are played with two twenty minute halves. 
  2. Halftime is one minute long.
  3. Each team has one timeout per half.
  4. The last one minute of the first and second half of the game the time will stop on change of possession, scoring plays, and incomplete passes. 
  5. Once the ball is spotted, the team has 30 seconds to snap the ball.
  6. Officials can stop the clock at their discretion.
  7. The clock will stop on injuries.
  8. Referees to set the game timer for 19 minutes for the first and second half; upon completion of the time, a timer for 1 minute will be started signaling the start of "stop time" for the last minute of the half/game.


  1. Touchdown: 6 points.
  2. PAT: 1 point from 5-yard line, 2 points from 12-yard line. Note: 1 point PAT is pass only, 2 point can be pass or run.
  3. Safety: 2 points.

Live Ball/Dead Ball

  1. The play is ruled dead when:
  2. Ball hits the ground.
  3. Ball carriers flag is pulled.
  4. Ball carrier steps out of bounds.
  5. A scoring play.
  6. Ball carriers knee or arm hit the ground.
  7. Receiver catches the ball while in possession of one or no flag(s).
  8. The 7 second clock expires.
  9. Inadvertent whistle.

Note: There are no fumbles, the ball is marked where the ball carrier's feet were at the time of the fumble.


  1. The quarterback cannot directly run the ball.
  2. Direct handoffs behind the line of scrimmage are allowed. Handoffs can be in front, behind or to the side of the offensive player, but must be behind the line of scrimmage.
  3. Underhand laterals or pitches are only allowed behind the line of scrimmage and must be backwards. Note: the NFL Flag states NO laterals or pitches of any kind are permitted, our league will permit it behind the line of scrimmage.
  4. "No-Run Zones" are located 5 yards before each end zone and 5 yards on either side of midfield. Teams are not allowed run inside these zones. Note: each team only has two "No-Run Zones", one 5 yards before midfield and one 5 yards before the end-zone. Teams can run if they are backed up to their end zone and inside the opponents no-run zone or just past midfield in the opponents no-run zone.
  5. The player who takes the hand off/pitch can throw the ball from behind the line of scrimmage.
  6. Once the ball is handed off, all defensive players are allowed to rush.
  7. Runners may not leave their feet to advance the ball. Diving, leaping or jumping is considered flag guarding and is a penalty.
  8. Spinning is allowed.
  9. Runners may leave their feet to avoid a collision.
  10. No Blocking or Screening is allowed at any time. 
  11. Offensive players must stop their motion once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage. No running with the ball carrier.
  12. Flag Obstruction - all jerseys MUST be tucked in before the play begins.
  13. No player should advance the ball past the line of scrimmage more than two plays in a row. This includes running the ball past the line of scrimmage, receiving the ball past the line of scrimmage or a combination of both. This rule does not apply to the QB position. The penalty will be a loss of down and the ball will be spotted at the previous line of scrimmage (essentially a no play).


  1. All passes must be from behind the line of scrimmage, thrown forward and received beyond the line of scrimmage. Backward passes or passes caught behind the line of scrimmage are considered runs.
  2. The quarterback has a seven-second "pass clock". If the quarterback has not passed the ball within seven seconds, the play is blown dead and the ball is returned to the line of scrimmage. If the quarterback is in the end zone when the seven seconds is up, the ball is still placed at the line of scrimmage.


  1. All players are eligible to receive a pass.
  2. Only one player is allowed to motion at a time, and the motion cannot be towards the line of scrimmage.
  3. A player must have one foot in bounds when making a reception.
  4. Simultaneous possession will go to the offense.
  5. Interceptions change the possession of the ball. Ball will be placed where flag of the person who made the interception is pulled or goes out of bounds. When interception occurs in end zone, and flag is pulled while in end zone, change of possession occurs with the ball starting on the 5-yard line. Interceptions are the only changes of possession that do not start on the 5-yard line.
  6. Interceptions are returnable, but not on conversions after touchdowns.

Rushing the Passer

  1. All players who rush the passer must be a minimum of seven yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. Any number of players can rush the quarterback.
  2. Once the ball is handed off, the seven yard rule is no longer in effect and defenders may go behind the line of scrimmage.
  3. Offense cannot impede the rush in any way. If the offensive player does not move after the snap, the defensive player has to avoid the offensive player.

Flag Pulling

  1. Diving is allowed.
  2. Tackling is not allowed.
  3. It is illegal to try to strip or pull the ball from the ball carrier's possession at any time.
  4. If the player's flag inadvertently falls off during the play, the player is down immediately upon possession of the ball and the play ends.
  5. A defensive player may not intentionally pull the flags off of a player who is not in possession of the ball.
  6. Flag guarding is an attempt by the ball carrier to obstruct the defender's access to the flags by stiff arming, dropping the head, hand, arm or shoulder, or intentionally covering the flags with the football jersey.


  1. Offensive players must come to a complete stop for one second before the ball is snapped unless he/she is in motion.
  2. Movement by a player who is set prior to the snap is considered a false start.
  3. The center can choose to snap the ball between their legs or from their side. The ball must start on the ground. It is not required to snap the ball between the legs.


Note: the team affected by the penalty can choose to accept or decline it. If a team picks up a first down (either before or because of the penalty) and the result is a replay of the down, it will be first down instead.

False start: an offensive player is not set when the ball is snapped (motion not included); 5 yards from line of scrimmage, replay down.

Offsides: a defensive player is across the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped; 5 yards from line of scrimmage, replay down.

Illegal rush: a defensive player that did not start the play 7 yards back from the line of scrimmage crosses the line of scrimmage while the quarterback is still holding the ball; 5 yards from line of scrimmage, replay down.

Flag guarding: any action by a ball carrier to prevent a defender from pulling the ball carrier’s flag, excluding spin moves, juke moves, or simply running away. Examples of flag guarding include stiff arms, hurdling, diving, or leaping; 5 yards from the spot of the foul, loss of down.

Pass interference: holding or swatting a receiver or defender’s arm to prevent them from catching a pass prior to the ball’s arrival; offensive: 10 yards from line of scrimmage, replay down; defensive: 10 yards from line of scrimmage, automatic first down.

Tackling: a defensive player forcefully brings down an offensive player rather than pulling the player’s flag (if a ball carrier has his flag pulled and is brought to the ground by that action alone, there is no foul for tackling); 5 yards, automatic first down.

Illegal block: any movement by an offensive player without the ball to prevent a defender from pulling the ball carrier’s flag; 5 yards from the spot of the foul, loss of down.

Illegal forward pass: a pass thrown by an offensive player ahead of the line of scrimmage; 5 yards from the line of scrimmage, loss of down.

Illegal pitch: a pitch or lateral from a player that occurs ahead of the line of scrimmage; 5 yards from the spot of the foul, loss of down.

Illegal strip: a player forces the ball out of the ball carrier’s hand; 5 yards from the spot of the foul, replay down.

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