Board Members

The Rogers Youth Football Association (RYFA) is a non-profit organization that thrives due to the dedication and hard work of our parent and community volunteers. Our Board of Directors is made up of passionate individuals who bring their time, expertise, and love of football to ensure our athletes have the best possible experience. Each board member is committed to guiding and supporting the growth of our programs and athletes.

Interested in Getting Involved?

RYFA is always looking for dedicated volunteers to help our organization continue to thrive. If you’re interested in joining the board or assisting with other roles, don’t hesitate to reach out! Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our youth athletes.

Executive Board

Cory Rian

President, League Liaison

Angie Lewis

Vice President, Team Manager Coordinator, Fundraising, Events, Social Media Director

Kelly Evenson

Treasurer, Equipment Committee

Sarah Larson


Tommy Jacobs

Director of Coaching, Evaluation Coordinator, League Liason

David Abramson

Registrar, Assistant Webmaster, Flag/7v7 Director

Voting Board

Will Tarbox

K/1st Grade Director, Sponsorship Director

David Rodriguez

2nd/3rd Grade Director, Equipment Manager

Brian Bakken

4th Grade Director, Equipment Committee

Brandon Liffrig

5th Grade Director, Equipment Committee

Josh Koskela

6th Grade Director

Tony Barnes

Field Coordinator, Scheduling Director, Ref Director

Mark Boyle

7th/8th Grade Director

John Daiker

High School Liaison

Katie Seifermann






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